Feng Yan © 2022


Pretty Ugly

I have many kinds of scars, both physical and spiritual. These scars are part of me and a testimony to my healing and resilliance. Scars can serve as a catalyst for remembrance and reflection; physical traces of the past that remind me of my past selves.


Social prejudices faced by those who have physical scars

As a method of research, I made a questionaire for people living with visible scars and received 57 responses (all of them students and staffs from Pingguo Learning Community in Beijing, China). From the responses I have learned:

  1. All of them have taken measures to eradicate scars and restore intact, fair skin
  2. All of them have endured unwanted, unfriendly attention due to scars
  3. Due to 2., they have suffered from low self-esteem
  4. The visible traces on their skin have led them engage with deep thinking, thus achieve some forms of personal growth

Visualisation /

Based on the large preferrence of fair, flawless and smooth skin in our today’s society, I chose fair, flawless and smooth soaps as a medium, to endure these traces

scars leave traces on a body, glitches leave their presence on a vinyl record, are all forms of storytelling.

Publication: We have all kinds of scars ︎︎︎

Outcome No.1
We have all kinds of scars

Outcome No.2
Handmade Soaps

A series of handmade soaps reflecting the unique texture of skin.

Using the soaps brings this reflection on our scars into direct contact with our bodies. Gradually, the textures will become less obvious, each trace existing as a faint but permanent cause for recollection.

Outcome No. 3
Black Record

Interviewees recall the stories behind the traces on their bodies. By putting a voice to their stories, I hope to address stigma and biases surrounding the way we view our scars.